Hand Hygiene Campaign in conjunction with Global Hand Hygiene Day
As the world marks the Global Hand Hygiene Day, 5 May 2015 under the theme of "strengthening healthcare systems and delivery - hand hygiene is your entrance door", ADK Hospital has initiated a campaign to strengthen the hand hygiene practices at the hospital.
In preperations to mark the ocassion and implement a continuous program on hand hygiene, the nursing department conducted an observational study of the hospital staff, starting from doctors to support staff who may be in someway involved in the care and or vicinity of the patients. The study showed that there is a considerable compliance to these practices yet room for further improvement.
As a start to the program, an event was held at the hospital, where the findings of the study were presented and areas for improvement highlighted. This was presented by Sister Nizama and Sister Shaziyya from the nursing department. Furthermore, the infection control committee of the hospital arranged a presentation for the staff on the importance of hand hygiene which was delivered by the Hospital's microbiologist Dr Balaji.
The campaign was launched by the Managing Director Mr Afaal and he highlighted the fact that use of data for interventions to improve care is crucial to improved care. On this regard he congratulated the nursing staff for initiating the observation study and presenting the findings. Furthermore, he encouraged the staff to take up research in different areas of serivces in the hospital and apply findings of such research for future improvements in patient safety and care.
Trainig programs on hand hygiene will be carried out for different levels of staff over the week and a monitoring system will be put in place to see improvements in the practice of hand washing.
This initiative comes as part of the Hospital's continuous endeavor to improve standards and quality of care in order to brihng about the best outcome for the patients.
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