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MD's message to staff on New Year

December 31, 2015

Dear Colleagues


Another year has come to an end, and this past year can be summarized in few words:


Though we had many challenges, we made significant progress. 


I thank you all for your continuous commitment and hard work that you do to deliver our goals and achieve our purpose – caring about others when they need it most.


At the end of this year, the Hospital has a staff strength of 592, of which 51% fall into the professional category. It is the combine efforts of all of us together that have made the past year a successful one. The owners of the institution, the management and I personally appreciate and thank each and everyone of you for the great work that you do day in and day out.


The past year also saw that this hospital has made many strides to achieve its vision to be the leading health care provider in the country. I believe that we are right on course. We have been able to introduce a number of new services, make significant investments on needed areas and continue to thrive to make this institute a bench mark for others to follow. To high light significant areas of improvement I note the following.


  • Installation and commissioning of the new state of the art MRI system and other imaging services
  • Establishment of new ICU and HDU facilities
  • Great advancement in the provision of neurosurgeries and neurology services
  • Introduction and sustenance of more advanced surgeries in all specialties
  • Introduction of Cardiac Clinic
  • Introduction of Endocrinology services
  • Introduction of Cancer Clinic and strengthening those services
  • Establishment of the blood bank
  • International affiliations for cancer, radiology, laboratory services and teaching
  • New infrastructure projects, including the theatre complex and inpatient services building initiated.


We also do have to note that though we made all these advancements, we do have our fair share of limitations and problems as well. 


  • Errors in communication
  • Patient safety incidents
  • Stock outs
  • Services interruptions


All of which are areas for improvement and interventions so that our efficiency and outputs can be further maximized.


As we embark on a new year, it will bring its own mix of success and challenges, but our direction is clear. We know what we must do and there is good reason to believe that we are moving forward. With all the effort that we will put together, there will be no turning back.


In the New Year, we shall put more effort and gear our focus to


  • Orient our services towards patient centeredness and ensure better partnership with patients in their treatment. 
  • Enhance and strengthen team work and communication
  • Give more emphasis on quality of care and continuous quality improvement
  • Improve the patient experience
  • Instill a culture of learning in every thing that we do


In the New Year, we will of course complete many existing projects that are planned. This will include the completion of


  • New inpatient services building adding at least 80 new beds to the hospital
  • The new theatre complex with 3 additional theaters, a CCU and a CSSD
  • Installation and commissioning of a cardiac catheterization lab
  • Installation and commissioning of new state of the art CT services
  • Initiation of teaching and research through the School of Health Sciences of ADK Hospital


To conclude, once again, I thank each and every one of you for your dedicated services to this institution. I have no doubt that you all will continue to put in your hard work. Together we can achieve the best of standards and make this institute the most trusted name for those who seek care from us. A center of excellence!


The public has great expectation from us. They are aware of all good things that we do and also they are ever ready to criticize any shortcomings that we have. Our strength would be to stand up for those criticisms and collectively reach those expectations. All eyes are watching us!


I wish you and your families a very happy and prosperous new year.


Thank you!


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