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Professional Development Programme

September 16, 2012

A short-term training on managerial excellence and client oriented service delivery was conducted for the staff of ADK hospital from this year. This program was conducted in four batches over a period of four months with the broader aim of improving the quality of care provided to the patients accessing health care services from the hospital. Among the four training batches, there were two batches of support staff and two batches of managerial and supervisory staff selected from various departments of the hospital. Each batch comprised of 21 contact hours of training, and was spread across three weeks. An average of 15 staff participated in each batch.

Some of the key topics covered in this training include, communication, interpersonal skills, team dynamics and positive attitude, customer service, diversity, professional etiquette, techniques for dealing with unsatisfied and angry customer, conflict resolution, time management, management skills and coaching, leadership. As the training was based on experiential learning methodology, the participants discussed and learned through role-plays, group work, and other team based activities in addition to the information provided by the facilitators. A special emphasis was given to improve the self-awareness of the participants, and ways of applying the learning’s from the training into the work environment. As such at the end of the training, every participant had to commit himself/herself through a three-month action plan with personal goals for improving and applying the learning’s from the training into their work environment.

One interesting thing that was noted was the team dynamics that changed as the training progressed. At the beginning of every batch, most staff would interact with the few colleagues that they already know. As the training developed, so did socialization of the group. At the end, it was observed that the training created a forum for exchanges of experiences across departments that allowed the group to understand each others’ work. Moreover, the sharing also encouraged learning’s from each other, such as the techniques that one applied that others could benefit from, or a new change that has taken place.

Certificates were given to all those who successfully completed the course were given on a ceremony held on 14 september 2012. The Chief Guest for the Ceremony was Mr. Ahmed Shaahiq, the Manging Director of MediaNet Pvt. Ltd.

ADK Hosiptal is committed to improve the skills of its staff and will continue to conduct such programmes for the staff.


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