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V-Care Nurses Club

October 3, 2011

Issue 19: October 2011 – V-Care team

V-Care is an initiative taken by the nurses of ADK Hospital. The main objectives of the club are

  1. To improve nursing care by promoting evidence based practice
  2. To conduct awareness programmes for both nurses and patients
  3. To celebrate and commemorate important heath related days and actions such as breastfeeding, HIV/AIDS and so forth

As the main private hospital in Maldives and with the increasing number of clients we believe it’s time that we must do something more than to admit patients and carry out doctor’s orders only.

Thus by conducting awareness programs on a regular basis would promote health and wellness of patients and most importantly revise our knowledge. Additionally as nurses we have come across obscurity of patients who are lacking simple but vital knowledge regarding their disease condition.

Hence it is imperative for us, as nurses to help them in every way we could in order to overcome their difficulties.

In light of the fact that we have more gynecological patients, it is a nursing concern that patients lack the vital knowledge of managing their pregnancy during antenatal and postnatal periods. At the same time since ADK is a baby friendly hospital we would like to avoid the rare times we bring bottles inside the hospital by health education on the importance of exclusive breastfeeding.

Further more for the reason of increased number of patients requiring long-term treatment, it’s essential that we take this into our consideration and conduct more awareness programs in order to educate them on a regular basis.

Therefore we as local staff would like to initiate and form a nurses club within ADK Hospital, which would further improve quality of nursing care based on evidence and with gained knowledge.

As our hospital motto ‘ caring about you, when you need it most!’ It would be our pleasure to aid patients when they need us most.


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